And now here's Julian's six month shot:

Can you believe this guy? He's getting soooo big. We'll get the official stats tomorrow, but he's almost as heavy as Gumbo!

Julian and his sweet dad gave me a lovely James Avery charm bracelet for Mother's Day with a monkey charm.

Although we called him Jellybean in utero and intented to keep the nickname, one day Vince called him chunky monkey. (Actually, he was singing it to the tune of Beyonce's All the Single Ladies, but that's besides the point.) The name got shortened to Monkey (so as not to scar him!), and the nickname stuck.

He'll eat anyone's toes he can get his hands on!
Congrats on turning 6 months, monkey! Vince, I thought I might be the only person making up baby-related lyrics to 'All the single ladies', but apparently we've got that in common. "If you like it then you better put a diaper on it, all the single babies"
We often sing, "If you like it then you should've put a bib on it..."
I do believe his cheeks are growing at a faster rate than the rest of him - I just want to kiss those cheeks!!!!
I have seen a lot of cute babies, but your little monkey is off the cute chart! Hope you guys are doing well!
Oh my, I love him. Look at that cute monkey!!! Can't believe he is so old already with that cutie smile. Can't wait to see him again (yes, this post was motivation for me to start looking at flights....). :)
It's so amazing to compare him from his one-month and six-month photos. He is getting cuter by the minute! Happy 6-month b'day monkey!
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