As we approach the end of the Easter season, we find that we are again breaking out of the chronology of events as outlined in the gospels. After all, if Jesus returned to heaven on Thursday and Pentecost is coming next Sunday, how can we have Jesus praying to God on behalf of the disciples? Much as Jesus' words from a few weeks ago relating his return to heaven actually occurred before his death, so these words actually come before his death. But they fit here as we continue to try to understand what this whole Resurrection thing means.
In particular, Jesus' prayer this week follows up on the events of the other gospel tales related in the last two weeks - Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit, the gift of peace, and the Ascension. It's kind of like the story arc in a good mystery novel - we had the climax of the story with the Resurrection and now we're building towards the part of the story where everything comes together to finally make sense. Along the way, hints are dropped to suggest what is to come - the coming Spirit, the gift of peace, Jesus returning to heaven, and now Jesus beseeching God for unity among the disciples. All of this points towards what is to come next week.
But let us not get ahead of ourselves. Perhaps if we feel the need for chronology, let us say that we are remembering the words that Jesus has spoken to us. We are again in the midst of expectation. Jesus has promised to send an Advocate, he has offered us a peace that surpasses any understanding the world can offer - and then he left. As we wait, we remember Jesus praying to God that we would be untied with each other and part of the divine mission that he had begun.
Turning to the song from Collective Soul (check out the full lyrics here), we could imagine the disciples responding with these words. The disciples are looking for a word or sign from heaven. They recognize the presence of love in the world around them. And then they ask to be shown not only how to speak, but how to share. Heaven let your light shine down!
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