Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life with a Toddler

Julian is a ton of fun! He's always on the move, and we are having a ball!

Julian didn't want what we had for dinner, so he had a cup of peanut butter instead!


JB said...

so cute!!! It was so great to see you all in Adrian :)

Erin said...

These were so fun! It's awesome to see him in action - he sure can run! :o) Given Julian ate a whole cup of peanut butter, I'm assuming he eats it without problem. We've been hesitant to give Alasdair any yet because we're not sure he's ready for how sticky it would be in his mouth. Any problems with that?

April said...

No real problems with the peanut butter. We always have a glass of milk on hand and crackers, which seem to help. But right now he's hesitant to eat any meat, so we're getting the protein in any way we can!