Is now THIS guy?!

I love toddlerhood. Julian has such a great personality and every day he becomes a little more "him." He totally gets attitude, but he is also sweet and cuddly. Everyone always gets a wave goodbye or even a blown kiss. Some, like Yoda, get kisses.

He's totally observant and wants to make sure we hear every "zoom" (car, airplane, truck, pretty much any form of transportation), see every bird (or squirrel, dog, cat, anything with legs really), and he picks up every stick (or rock, flower, ball, dog poop - sad but true).

We are so glad to have had these 18 months with Julian. We know it just gets more and more fun as we go forward!
Happy 18 month b'day, Julian! You are getting so big and as adorable as ever!!
ah! so much sweetness in one little (albeit bigger than it used to be) package!!
He is such a little boy! I love him. I need to skype with yall soon. :)
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