Saturday, March 12, 2011

Julian's Crew

Julian loves...absolutely read books. He chooses to read over just about any other activity right now. You can tell him to pick out a book..."Julian go get me The Little Blue Truck." And he runs right over to the shelf, grabs the aforementioned book, and brings it back to you to read. (I don't know if this is unique to other 16 month old kids, but it certainly shocked me the first few times he did it.)

Lately, though, he has started wanting others to sit with him while he reads...namely Yoda and Moses. (No, I don't yet have a picture of this phenomenon. I've usually been the one doing the reading. But don't worry; I'll get one soon!)

Yoda you all know from Julian's month-at-a-time pictures during his first year. (Yes, I'll post another one at 18 months.) Moses is a doll that our friends Joey and Maiko gave to Julian when he was born, and he's also the leader of the Israelites. Moses is actually a reversible doll. One side is Moses holding a staff and the ten commandments, but if you flip it over, you see Pharaoh's daughter holding a baby Moses in a basket. It's a pretty cool doll.

Anyway, one day about a week ago Julian grabbed a book and brought it to me. He no longer wanted to sit on my lap, but he begged to sit next to me. Fine. Then he started pointing to the window sill where Yoda and Moses sit. (Those two are always hanging out together. Spiritual leaders, you know.) I grabbed Yoda and sat him next to Jules, but that wasn't enough for him. Then I grabbed Moses and sat him with us as well. Julian looked over to them, then looked to me and smiled. He then settled in for the reading of Quiet LOUD.

We're heading to Seattle tomorrow, but when we return I'll try to get a shot of the three musketeers.


Court said...

Hey lady! I posted a pic of this phenom (abeit not the best but cute) on facebook. You can copy and paste from there...I shall tag you. I already miss that little so much!!!

JB said...

Good stuff! I just did a new post about Sam's "guys" - so precious! I will look forward to that picture and hope you are having a great trip!