Friday, June 4, 2010

Foto Fridays

Taking a cue from Sydney's blog (she does "wordless wednesdays"), I'm going to try and add a photo every Friday...especially for those times when I just can't fit blogging in. Like right now! So, here's the first installment of



Erin said...

Love the "foto" and JB's smile! :)

Jason McKinney said...

Cute photo! Foto Fridays rule! :-D

Unknown said...

Your mum sent me the link to your blog when Julian was born but I just noticed it and went into it when I was going through my old emails. It's lovely to see another Eller family that is as mad about pets as we are here! I have two dogs and two cats and they keep me busy! You look like a really happy bunch and Julian is a lovely baby - reminds me a bit of my son Michael! Love to all from your Aunt Diane, Northern Ireland!