The new year brings with it all kinds of excitement, like going back to work after two weeks off (ugh) and even colder weather than in December (ouch)! But it also gives me and Vince the opportunity to redeem ourselves after a miserable fall of no blogging.
In just two days...that's right, two days...Vince and I will turn in our commissioning and ordination paperwork, respectively. We have been working hard on it for some time and will be glad to have it off our plates. Then we'll have something else fun to think about...INTERVIEWS. Our interviews are in early March. In fact they might even be on my 33rd birthday. I'm hoping that the religious elite treat me a bit better than they treated Jesus in his 33rd year. I figure I'm not nearly as radical as Jesus and just about anything is better than crucifixion! So, pray for us as we turn in our pages and pages and as we prepare to meet with the Board.
We hope to blog more in the coming months, and we look forward to reading all of your blogs as well. And if you have a blog and we don't know about it, let us know because we would love to add you to our online neighborhood.
So, as I sit here waiting for feedback on the $200,000 grant I just wrote, I am sending a little love to y'all out there! Peace to you this new year.

April, Vince and Gumbo on our new loveseat. Can you read Vince's shirt that my brother got him for Christmas? "You had me at shalom." Love IT!
Love the shirt! Chris should get one...
I think Chris Jones will need one of those shirts! Great blog - today is one day since the papers were due, we've been too afraid to call but hope it all went well!
You must have missed my facebook status saying the papers were sent in on the day EARLY! We're done and ready to celebrate!
Love the shirt and so excited to see you blogging again. I look forward to more!
Love the shirt and so excited to see you blogging again. I look forward to more!
Love the shirt and so excited to see you blogging again. I look forward to more!
Love the shirt and so excited to see you blogging again. I look forward to more!
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