Yes...everybody loves gumbo the soup. But the truth is everybody loves our new dog Gumbo! We adopted him on Saturday, May 24 from a shelter west of Chicago. We saw many dogs that day and had planned to get a bigger dog. But as soon as we met "Sparks" (now named Gumbo), we knew he was the one for us. We almost named him Tumbleweed because every time you pet him, he rolls over for a belly rub!

Gumbo is a Corgi/Shelti mix who is 8 months old, but he probably has more breeds than just the two. Much like the New Orleans favorite, our Gumbo is a good mix of lots of flavors...sometimes calm, sometimes hyper...but he's always a sweetie! He doesn't really know how to play, but he found the toys right away and took a couple of them right into his crate! He's still got quite a bit of puppy in him, but we like that.

Gumbo loves other dogs, loves our cats (they do not return the favor), and is good with kids.

He's also pretty curious...always sniffing around finding a discarded chicken bone or some other snack. He also has learned to squeeze between the bars on the fence and has ended up in our neighbor's yard. Our "favorite" (read sarcastically) thing about Gumbo is his penchant for waking up at 5am! I know I'm a morning person, but that's ridiculous!

Here's Gumbo with the chocolate lab, Lucy, who lives downstairs. She's huge compared to him, but he loves to play with her all the same.

Gumbo loves everyone he meets...

But he's a complete mama's boy! Wherever I go, he goes. He's always got to be near me. I often sing "Me and My Shadow" when he's following me around. He is getting to know his name pretty well, and we couldn't be more happy about having him as a part of our family.

And just so you don't think we are partial to Mr. Gumbo, here is the beautiful Pandora...lounging in a sunspot.

Is she a glamour puss or what?!

And for those who never believed that we have two cats, here's the ever-elusive Luna.

Those mesmerizing eyes!