What we sometimes forget is that Easter lasts not just one Sunday but for 50 DAYS. That's right...50 FULL DAYS! A few years ago, to celebrate the 50 days of Easter, I decided to "take on" something...sort of the opposite of "giving up" something for Lent. I decided that since we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus...the resurrection of the body...that I should spend the season of Easter trying to resurrect my body! So, I took on some exercise.
Well, I've decided that it's time to resurrect the RESURRECTION OF THE BODY CAMPAIGN. Won't you join me? Here's what's involved: For 50 Days beginning on Easter Sunday (March 23, 2008), add something to your life that will be good for your body. My plan is to add at least 30 minutes of exercise three times per week. I'm also considering giving up diet soda...that stuff can't be good for me.
I'm always more successful with these things if I have friends who are willing to join me. So, think about it....and let me know if you are willing to join in. Let me know how you will be resurrecting your body this Easter season. Will you take the dog on an extra long walk? Will you add a workout into your week? Will you watch less TV and get out more? Will you walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator? What will you do to join my campaign?
I am working on a calendar to hang in my house to track my workouts. If you'd like a copy, let me know. I can't wait to hear what kind of resurrecting you will be doing!
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