Monday, February 4, 2008

Ash Wednesday ~ Hoobastank - The Reason

Sometimes, trying to put Jesus in as the subject of a song is more than just a little bit cheesy (or maybe it always is). But in this case, I couldn't think of a better song for Ash Wednesday. The whole point of this song is recognizing our imperfection and the pain we have caused another. For those of us who are Christians, we recognize our imperfection in the face of Jesus and we know the pain that we cause others everyday, whether intentional or not. These others see our imperfections on a daily basis. But it is also through Jesus that we find the strength to change our lives. In Jesus, we are made new. Jesus is "The Reason" that we are able to become better people, for I think that those of us who have tried have recognized our own inability to create lasting change for ourselves. We need a reason, a model, a source of strength. Fortunately, Jesus is there for us. So, as we enter this season of penitence and renewal, I hope that you can hear this song and feel yourself thinking that you, too, have a reason for changing "who [you] used to be, a reason to start over new, ..a reason for all that [you] do."

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