I'm not sure how people with children have the time to blog. I'm guessing either you stay up super late or you carve out specific time. But I'm having a hard time keeping up with the blog. There I've said it. It feels like a weight off of me. I enjoy blogging and even have a couple of posts built up in my head. But it seems impossible to find the time to get it actually typed in. Maybe I need one of those voice recognition programs where I can talk while holding a baby. That might work. Anywho...
Nearly a month ago, our little Zemery turned one month old. (Let's hope that posting his two month pics next week won't take me a month to do!) While we searched everywhere for another Star Wars buddy for his One Bear, One Chair photos, we could not find one. So instead, he gets an elephant.
Here's Zem at one week old:
His neck control is a bit lacking! :) |
And here's our little guy on his one month birthday. At birth he was 7lbs and 19 inches. At his one month check up, he was 21.4 inches and 9lbs 4oz. He's in the 25th percentile for height and weight, but he's right on his own trajectory. We've got a grower on our hands!
Who the heck is this guy? |
I'm going to have to do this how often? |
Our contented Zemmy! |
He's had a bit of reflux, so we had to switch his formula. His new one contains a bit of rice starch to help thicken it and help it to make it to his belly rather than have it come up. It seems to be making a difference. It's also helping him sleep more because he's not waking up choking on spit up. We're grateful that he's not choking AND that we're getting a bit more sleep!
Vince went back to work full time this week, and it seemed to go pretty well. I've got two more weeks and then it's back to reality. While I have enjoyed being at home, I'm pretty confident that I don't have what it takes (re: patience) to be a stay at home mom. So, I'm grateful to have a job waiting for me!
I have a post brewing in my head on how life with a newborn is a lot like life on the show The Walking Dead, but I just have to find the time to get it down. Thanks for checking in on us, friends!
Thanks for the update! Wish I lived closer so that I could bring you a meal - I have been thinking about trying to mail you one. :)
I'm sure this goes without saying, but I can totally relate to the difficulty of blogging while parenting. Glad to see some pictures of your sweet guy!
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