Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome to the family!

On March 21st, Julian was baptized into the family of God. Of course, he was already a part of that family, but we just thought we'd do that outward and visible sign of that inward, spiritual reality. (All the Methodist are with me on this one!)

It was a great day! Friends came from near and far. Tia Courtney came the farthest...all the way from Oregon! She got to hang with JB all week.

Jeff and Bridget (JB's godparents) and Casey and Sam came from Detroit. Jeff even did his baptism poem that he wrote on the day before Casey was baptized. (We still want a copy, J.)

Our friend Barbara made his baptismal outfit out of the skirt of my wedding dress. (I'd post a picture of the dress so you could see the transformation, but our other computer crashed, and we haven't gotten the data off it if yet!) But it was super special for us!

Julian had a good time and was completely calm for the entire baptism...that was until the ice cold water hit is naked head! No pictures of that unfortunately.

Pastor Catiana walked him around the church and showed him to everyone.

It was a great day. But he didn't take it all that seriously!

The Holy Spirit will make the hair on your hair stand straight up!


Gail said...

Great photos of a great event. Loved Julian and Tia Courtney. Mom

JB said...

We had a great time! So thrilled to be part of it all with all 3 of you!