I just thought I would send out a quick post to let y'all know we are still alive and still have not given birth. I'm at 37 1/2 weeks, which means this baby could come at anytime. I'm hoping that we still have a couple of weeks to get things done. I'll try to send a picture or something soon. But I wanted to share an experience we had this weekend.
Courtney was in town this weekend, and on Saturday night we decided to go see Where the Wild Things Are. Now normally we avoid such things as movies on opening weekends, but in my delicate position, there is just no waiting until later to see movies. The line was long, but we were in the front of it and got great aisle seats. The theater was packed with no empty seats, so beggers cannot be chooser here.
Courtney, coming off of day four of a common cold, coughed. The woman (mid-60s) in front of her immediately turned around and asked, "Are you sick?" Court explained that she was at the tail end and felt well but still had a cough. "How many days have you been sick?" the woman asks more fervently. "This is day four or five." "You're still sick....Honey, get up we're moving." The couple proceeds to leave their great seats and end up sitting separately in crappy seats to avoid the cougher.
It was truly a bizarre experience. Mind you, pregnant me felt comfy being around these folks. (Vince was also on day four of a cold.) But it was just a little of the flu mania that I have been seeing around. Perhaps I'm being a little too confident in my health or lax in my flu mania, but this was a bit much. Good hygiene will take you a long way, folks!
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