So we really did have more than one day on our staycation. It has just taken me this long to have a moment to blog about it. We really enjoyed our four-day break from the mundane parts of life: laundry, grocery shopping, chores, work, etc. A little break from it all was great.
On Friday we did something we have not had time to do and were at the same time putting off: registering for baby stuff. We went to be overwhelmed by the mass consumerism that is somewhat necessary for welcoming a new little life. While quite a bit of what we encountered is completely unnecessary, somethings you really do need. We also were able to buy paint for the crib to take it from periwinkle to white. I think the color was actually something like Fresh Snow, but we'll just call it white. Otherwise, we spent Friday lounging around the house and cuddling on the couch.
Saturday was a fuller day. We took ourselves back downtown. As long as we have lived here, Vince has never been to the Bean...the Cloud Gate, actually...but everyone just calls it the bean. Wonder why?

We had fun taking pictures of ourselves....

Vince's first visit to the Bean

Jellybean and the Bean

Chicago reflected

Vince also really enjoyed the twin fountains with the huge LCD screens that had faces of Chicagoans spitting water on the crowd playing in the water. It was quite cool this day, but that didn't stop all the kids and a few adults from jumping in.

This is a picture of us NOT going into the Art Institute.

So, we planned to visit the Art Institute to see the new modern wing that they finished not very long ago. We even went to the trouble to get our friend's membership pass so that we could go for free. But it turns out that you have to BRING the pass with you when you come. :) We were about to get off the El when Vince said, "Did you remember to grab the pass?" "Nope." Oh, well, I guess the Art Institute will have to wait until another day. Another point for baby brain.
Finally, we went to lunch at Blackies for great burgers and headed home. Once we got near our house, we ran into our neighbor Jeff walking their beagle Lily. "Sure, we'll take care of Lily for the night." And next thing we know, Gumbo's having a sleepover, but I will get to that in the next post.
Sunday morning, it began. The Dexter: Season 3 Marathon. Vince and I got into the show Dexter last year sometime and have been getting the discs from Netflix. Well, season 3 just came out on dvd, and so we ordered them. And then we picked up the rest of the season at the blockbuster. Yep, we watched the entire season almost back to back. We did stop to go over for dinner at our friends Nigel and Nancy's place, but that was the only interruption. The problem is that now we have to wait for season for to begin, end, and then come out on dvd. Maybe we should have spread them out.
Regardless, this is how we spent our staycation. A little bit out in the world, and a little bit curled on the couch. Just as it should be. There won't be another break from work for us until the baby comes. And I'm not anticipating that feeling much like a break!