I bought the new P!nk album...

And I LOVE IT!!!
I am listening to it constantly. It is a great companion on my daily 30 minute commute. It is thoughtful, crass, upbeat, dancy, sensitive. It's also a bit unorthodox, but I can't help but find it charming and fun!
The album begins with a song called "Stupid Girls," which basically chronicles the lives of the Paris Hilton types. My favorite verse is this: "What happened to the dream of a girl president? She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent. They travel in packs of two or three with their itsy bitsy doggies and their teenie weenie tees. Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?" CLASSIC...

P!nk and the Indigo Girls partner up for a song called "Dear Mr. President." This is truly an amazing song! It's a one-sided conversation from P!nk to the pres. She asks, "What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?" AND "What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?" I have listened to this song a million times. I think the Urban Tumbleweeds may need to come out of retirement on this one!

The penultimate song on the album...yes, I've missed being in seminary where I get to use words like penultimate...is called "Conversations with My 13 Year Old Self." How many of us would wish for this chance? To talk with ourselves when we were that awkward thirteen year old, wishing that life wasn't so crazy. I would love to go back to that April...and tell her it does get better...but not without some work.
So this is just a taste of P!nk. There's really not a bad song on the album. I highly recommend that you rush out and get I'm Not Dead. You can don't even have to rush out...sit in your pjs and download it now!
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary today you two! Hope you had a great day!
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