By popular demand, we present the newest addition to our family...Duchess. We got Duchess last Saturday. She was rescued from an apartment where she was abandoned when her owners were evicted. She's an older girl...probably between 6 and 9 years old, but she's super sweet. She's a Scottish Terrier whose hair is growing back after falling out because of poor care. We are still working on the doggie/kitties interactions. Hopefully, this will get better with time. Check back when we've got some better pics of her. She's new, so she's a bit camera shy.

Duchess MeGels - with a name like that she could live with the Queen.
And I just wish I had a name such as Duchess...I mean, what a fine Texas name--how might I help you ma'am, I mean, Duchess Robyn?! Of course, this is said to me as I polish my face w/ fire engine red lipstick and my stand up starched wranglers...
She looks sweet - so short!! Obie and Casey be stepping right over top of her! When is that play date going to be? :)
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