Despite last month's debacle (posting his 8 month pics three weeks late!), I was motivated to be on time this month. Julian is nine months old today!

It's tremendously hard for me to believe that he has spent an equal amount of time in the outside world as he did in the inside world. I have a hard time remembering that wee babe that we brought home.

And that he has grown into this funny little human.

I know I've spent plenty of time talking about his cuteness, but he's also a total charmer. And Julian, here are some things that I love about you.
1. You always wake up in the morning happy. You don't cry to get out of bed. You just lie down and babble, talking to your bear and your blanket until we come and get you. And sometimes, you even fall back to sleep.
2. You eat anything we put in front of you, and you let us know that you want more food you can pick up and feed yourself.

3. You growl when you are frustrated, and then smile at your racket!
4. You have a ministry of smiles every where we go. (We had three tables of people after Sunday lunch thank us for bringing Jules to the restaurant!)
5. You go down for naps and bed without a fuss. You just climb in your crib, roll onto your belly and snuggle in. You even sleep through the night like a champ!
6. You prefer to have the paci upside down in your mouth.
7. You dance whenever music comes on, and you sing back to me whatever I sing to you.
8. You pat the kitties and the puppy with reckless abandon.
9. You follow me into the kitchen and like to hang out while I cook.
10. Every now and then, you still let me cuddle with you before bedtime.
11. You giggle when daddy touches your nose and says, "boop," but you don't when mama does it.
12. You are fiercely independent, except when you're not.

Happy birthday, little monkey!