The following is a paragraph written by my 8 year old nephew Jonathan, who I affectionately call Butterbean. Bean had to write on the topic "The Best Gift I Could Give." This is what he wrote:
If I could give a gift I would give a present of care and give it every day. First, I would care for animals. For example, homeless dogs, I would give them food, water, and shelter. Second, I’ll care for homeless people by giving them water and food during the holidays. Last, I will care for my family by being kind and helping out for example I would do my chores like emptying the dishwasher. That’s the best gifts I could give.
I am so proud of Butterbean! He also had some great pictures to go with his paragraph, but I couldn't figure out how to load them. :(
Blessings to you all in this Advent Season. Sorry for the lack of posts. As I explained to our good friend job+ordination paperwork due Jan 7=no blogging. See you in the new year!